3 Phrases I’m Letting Go
Words Matter
Language matters. How I talk to myself guides my actions and my attitude. Here are three phrases that get in my way.
I don’t know how
Somebody knows how, and I can get them to teach me. Or I can pay them to do it for me. I don’t have to do everything. I don’t have to know everything. But I can make things happen.
I don’t have time
If it’s important, I have time to do it. People are important. Good food is important. The vast majority of things on my phone are not. The trick is to ruthlessly remove those unimportant things, because I truly don’t have time for them. Life is short; I should spend it on what matters.
I’ll try
Yoda had this one right. Commit, or don’t. Saying I’ll try means that I don’t know what I’m already committed to; in other words, don’t count on me.